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PFTL 72 - 2024 (presentation (Presentation (43)).png

Pray For The Lou 72

March 13th at 7pm - March 16th at 7pm

Over the past 6 years, we have worshipped on dividing lines, seen every denomination participate together, prayer walked over 150 neighborhoods and so much more! This year, we are going deeper so that we can go farther. We will gather as one in the heart of downtown and scatter as many to see Jesus receive glory across the St. Louis Region. Let us pray and go!


What would happen if the body of Christ gathered together in the heart of downtown for 72 non-stop hours to worship and pray and lift up King Jesus? What would happen in the midst of the 72 hours if church scattered and simultaneously saturated our streets and neighborhoods through prayer walking?

Will you and your church join us for PFTL 72? 

See the location, overview of the schedule, and more information about hosting prayer walking below.

Interested in leading
Worship or Prayer

Interested In 
Prayer Walking


Larson Financial Group Building
100 N Broadway
St. Louis, MO 63102 ​

iParkit (Kiener Plaza Parking East)
500 Pine Street

St. Louis, MO 6310​1

Directly across street from PFTL 72 Location
see prices and options below!

Schedule Overview 

Pray For The Lou 72 will kickoff Thursday, March 13 at 7pm, and will continue with non-stop worship, prayer and the Word ending March 16 at 7pm. During the 72 non-stop hours, we want to highlight four specific times. Each night at 7pm will involve gatherings that serve as the beginning, middle and end of the 72 hours. In addition, churches and ministries will simultaneously prayer walk their neighborhoods on Saturday, March 15 at 10am.


A Regional Upper Room For The Church of St. Louis

72 Non-Stop Hours : Worship, Prayer, The Word

Hours 1 & 2 - The Opening Gathering

Thursday, March 13 (7-9pm)

We will kickoff the 72 hours with worship, prayer and the Word together. Over the 72 hours, we will be reading and praying through the gospel of Luke. This opening gathering will cast vision and set the tone as we seek King Jesus together!


*Hours 3-23 will be led by different worship and prayer teams. Every hour will consist of worship, prayer and reading through the book of Luke. We encourage you to participate as your schedule allows.

Hours 24 & 25 - Friday Night

Friday, March 15 (7-9pm)

As we reach the half way point, this will be a time for us to come together to be strengthened in the middle as we stand in the gap for our region and continue to welcome the King Of Glory.


*Hours 26 - 39 will be led by different worship and prayer teams. Every hour will consist of worship, prayer and reading a portion of the book of Luke. We encourage you to participate as your schedule allows. 

Regional Prayer Walking Neighborhoods

Saturday, March 15 (10am)

After 39 hours of non-stop worship, prayer, and the Word at one location the church of the region will scatter at many locations to simultaneously prayer walk their neighborhoods. While prayer walking teams are out all across the region, worship and prayer will continue during the 50 non-stop hours.


Is your small group, church, or ministry interested in prayer walking in your neighborhoods?  




*Hours 40 - 49 will be led by different worship and prayer teams. Every hour will consist of worship, prayer and reading a portion of the book of Luke. We encourage you to participate as your schedule allows. 

Hours 49 & 50 - Saturday Night 

Saturday, March 15 (7-9pm)

As we are 2 days in we will continue to read, worship and pray through the gospel of Luke.


*Hours 51 - 70 will be led by different worship and prayer teams. Every hour will consist of worship, prayer and reading a portion of the gospel of Luke. We encourage you to participate as your schedule allows. 

Hours 71 & 72 - Closing Celebration

Sunday, March 16 (5-7pm)

The closing celebration we will finish reading though the gospel of Luke and celebrate through worship and prayer all the Lord has done. It will be a time of consecration and dedication to the Lord as we continue as disciples who pray and go!

Prayer Walking
Saturday, March 15th

Regional Prayer Walking 10am

After 40 hours of non-stop worship, prayer and the Word, the church of St. Louis will prayer walk neighborhoods all across the STL Metro Region. This is our 6th year of churches leaving the seats to saturate the streets by prayer walking in their community. These regional prayer walks will simultaneously happen everywhere a local church or ministry signs up to participate.


Does your church or ministry want to prayer walk your neighborhood or municipality?


Once ministries and churches sign up to be a prayer walk location, we will post those places for others to join them in prayer walking on Saturday, March 15 at 10am.

PFTL 72 - 2024 (presentation (3).png

FAQS - Frequently Asked Questions

Can we host a prayer even if we can't participate in the 72 hours of non-stop worship?

Yes, as the Church of St. Louis, we all work together to see worship, prayer, and the Word go forth. While we would love for you to participate in the 72 non-stop hours of worship, prayer, and the Word, we encourage you to still prayer walk. 


What is expected of a host church prayer walk location?​​

Designate a person from your church or ministry to be your Local Prayer Coordinator to facilitate prayer walking on Saturday, March 15 in your community. 


What is expected of a Local Prayer Coordinator?​​​

Be the connection point for your church and Pray for the Lou Operations Team.

Attend a one hour vision and prayer walk training via Zoom or watch the recording.


What can you expect from us?​​​

Provide "Media & Resource Kit" for the Local Prayer Coordinator to use.

Provide a one hour prayer walk training via Zoom​ on Thursday, February 27th  from 7-8pm.

  • Link Provided Upon Sign Up​​​​​


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P.O. Box 29513

Saint Louis, MO, 63126


Copyright ©2024 Pray For The Lou. All Rights Reserved. 

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