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PFTL 72 - 2024 (presentation (Presentation (43)).png

Thank you for desiring to lead a 2 hour worship or prayer slot during PFTL 72. Please read through the FAQS and then fill out the Worship/Prayer interest form. Upon submission our team will reach out to you via email with some next steps.


Location of 72 hours?

Larson Financial Group Building

100 N Broadway

Suite 700 (7th Floor)

St. Louis, MO 63102 


How is a prayer segment designed?

We would like your worship team to quietly play during the prayer segments. If your team is comfortable with a call & response, worship-driven prayer time, we recommend using this style. However, prayer leaders can be creative in how they design the prayer segments, employing elements such as small group prayer, “Rapid Fire,” song/prayer mix, liturgical-style prayers, prophetic declarations, etc. It will be important that you connect with your prayer leader in advance to work out your plan for the prayer segments. If you have a prayer leader(s) connected to your church/ministry you’d prefer to use, make sure to sign them up when you sign up your worship team.


What time should worship team and prayer leader arrive?

We ask that all teams arrive 30 minutes in advance of your two hour block. We ask this for 3 primary reasons:


#1 - Each team will connect with the Prayer Room Facilitator before the transition takes place. Their roles are to make sure that teams transition seamlessly, to watch over the prayer room to steward the worshipful atmosphere of the room, and to help trouble-shoot anticipated issues.


#2 - Each team will connect with the sound person regarding what to expect when your team transitions onto the stage. Good communication = smoother transition.


#3 - Having time before your block allows your team to discern what the Spirit of God is already doing in the room. Part of transitioning smoothly involves making sure your team can flow in what the Holy Spirit is already doing from the previous two hour block.


Will song lyrics be provide on a screen for worship team and those participating?

We will not be providing projected song lyrics for people in the room. Keep that in mind when choosing your song list. If you want to provide lyric sheets or a QR code that links to a site you create to facilitate singing, please feel free. (We will not be able to provide any copies during the event.)


What is the  design, & theme of PFTL 72?

We need worship leaders (with teams, preferably) and prayer leaders to lead two hour blocks of worship, prayer, and scripture reading. During the event, a prayer leader will be reading an assigned passage from the Book of Acts at the beginning of each hour.  During the official prayer segment within each two hour block, the prayer leaders will focus the intercession on St. Louis/region, with the specific theme derived from the assigned Luke passage.  


What does a 2 hour set look like?

1st Hour

5 - 10 Minutes - Reading from Luke (with specific passages assigned) 

15 Minutes - Worship Segment #1

30 Minutes - Prayer Segment #1 (Focus #1) 

10 Minutes - Worship Segment #2


2nd Hour

5 - 10 Minutes - Reading from Luke (with specific passages assigned) 

15 Minutes - Worship Segment #3

30 Minutes - Prayer Segment #2 (Focus #2)

10 Minutes - Concluding Worship Segment


How  will worship teams transition on & offf the stage between sets?

Because our desire is to have non-stop (music) worship for all 72 hours, we have a special method we’d like teams to use when transitioning between each two hour block. We ask that your main harmony instrument (acoustic or keys most likely) is the first person to transition onto the stage and the first person to transition off the stage at the close of the two hours. This means your harmony instrument will be entering onto the stage five minutes before your block officially begins. Please keep this in mind as you choose your final song, as the next worship team will begin transitioning onto the stage.


What sound equipment will be  provided by PFTL?

Pray for the Lou will provide:

  • Full sound system (with 16 inputs)

  • Two floor wedges for monitors

  • Electric Drum Kit

  • Keyboard with 88 weighted keys

  • Guitar Stands

  • Music Stands

  • 3 - 4 Boom Stands

  • 2 Wireless Mics (one used for prayer leader/reader)

  • 4 - 5 wired Shures

  • Related Cords

Please note: Your team should bring their own basses, amps, electric or acoustic guitars and any personal cords they’d prefer to use.

Reading Of Luke Schedule

Coming Soon!

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P.O. Box 29513

Saint Louis, MO, 63126


Copyright ©2024 Pray For The Lou. All Rights Reserved. 

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